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Bangladesh Bank Officer General Written - 23.12.2022 || 2022

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War and conflicts can have a wide range of outcomes, some of which include:

  1. Death and Injury: War and conflict can result in large numbers of deaths, as well as physical and psychological injuries to soldiers and civilians alike.
  2. Destruction of Property: Wars and conflicts often result in the destruction of homes, infrastructure, and other forms of property.
  3. Forced Migration: Wars and conflicts can force people to flee their homes, leading to displacement and the creation of refugee camps.
  4. Economic Impact: Wars and conflicts can have a significant impact on the economies of the countries involved, leading to inflation, job loss, and reduced economic growth.
  5. Political Changes: Wars and conflicts can result in changes to the political landscape, including the formation of new governments, changes in borders, and the emergence of new political entities.
  6. Social Impact: Wars and conflicts can have a profound impact on society, including increased levels of violence, a breakdown of social norms and institutions, and the emergence of new cultural and ethnic divisions.
  7. Environmental Damage: Wars and conflicts can result in environmental damage, such as the destruction of forests and wildlife habitats, as well as pollution from military activities.

These are just a few examples of the potential outcomes of war and conflict. In general, wars and conflicts have a wide range of negative impacts, and it is important to work towards finding peaceful solutions to conflicts whenever possible.

1 year ago

Due to the huge financial burden that the maintenance of the military operations would have on the economy, techniques were thought up to help solve the burden. One such technique was the process of debasing the coinage. This was used in many countries that used coins from precious metals and they would debase the coins. This however didn't last very long as inflation started to increase. Various governments in charge attempted to curb the high cost of inflation through new reforms but some of their attempts just got steadily worse with the increasing bureaucracy that the government had to maintain as well as the huge amounts spent on welfare payments to the growing population worse.

Loot and plunder - or at least the prospect of such - may play a role in war economies। This involves the taking of goods by force as part of a military or political victory and was used as a significant source of a revenue for the victorious state. During the first World War when the Germans occupied the Belgians, the Belgian factories were forced to produce goods for the German effort or dismantled their machinery and took it back to Germany – along with thousands and thousands of Belgian slave factory workers.

11 months ago